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We’re Back! Come join the fun

Our annual “Join Night” will be Wednesday, September 8th. We’ll have some fun things for the kids to do and ICE CREAM! Come enjoy an ice cream sundae with us and find out what Scouting is all about.

When: Wednesday, September 8th at 6:30 pm
Where: Mountain High Christian Center – 8444 US Hwy 285, Morrison
What: Ice cream, soda bottle rockets and more

Join Us!

There’s some basic information below and throughout this website. You can always get more information by using the “Contact” link at the top of this website or one of the email addresses on the “Leaders” page. We encourage you to come check out any of our meetings.

Pack 400 is a “pack” of 40 to 60 boys, girls and their parents. The children are in K through 5th grade and are arranged into “dens” by age. 

Pack 400 draws students primarily from West Jeff Elementary School, Parmalee Elementary School and those living in the neighborhoods around those schools. 

Some of the best things about Cub Scouting are the activities the children (and sometimes you) get to do: camping, hiking, racing model cars, going on field trips, or doing projects that help our community and the people who live here. Cub Scouting means “doing.” All our activities are designed to have the kids doing something and by “doing” they learn some very valuable life lessons.

Pinewood Derby!

Greetings Pack 400 families,You should have received your pinewood derby kit by now. Please contact me or your den leader if you haven’t.

Note that the Pinewood Derby will be our January pack meeting. We will not have a pack meeting on January 1st.

We’ll have a “test & tune” at Mountain High Church on Friday, January 10th starting at 6:00 pm. The test & tune will give you a chance to try out your car and make some last minute adjustments. We also encourage everyone to check their car in at that time. If you check your car in that evening, you’ll need to leave it there overnight.

Our derby will be at Mountain High Church on Saturday, January 11th. If you check in your car during the test & tune you don’t need to arrive on Saturday until 9:30. If you do not check in your car on Friday night, please be at the race on Saturday by 9:00 am so that you can have your car checked in at that time.

Here is the complete set of rules for the event. Here is a list of frequently asked questions. Please be sure to read through the rules. Any car that does not comply with the rules will not be eligible to race and nobody wants that.

If you wish you had access to tools that might make building your car a little easier, I’ll be happy to host a “Chop Night.” This will be an opportunity to use a band saw, a drill press, benchtop electric sanders, etc. The BSA does not allow Cub Scouts to use power tools so you’ll need to be working with them. If you’re interested, reply to this email to let me know.

I’ll be sending out a Signup Genius for snacks and things soon. Please keep an eye out for that.

Happy building!

C.A.P. Overnight

We’re happy to let you know that we’ve planned an overnight outing to Colorado Adventure Point for the night of November 16th.  We’ll spend the night there, indoors.  Activities will include archery, BB guns, a climbing wall, roasting s’mores on the outdoor fire pit and a movie when we bunk down.

Thanks to everyone who’s sold popcorn, the pack is covering a portion of the cost!  We will still need to collect $25 for each child and $5 for each adult.  You will receive an invoice by email after you RSVP. The invoice will have a link which you can use to pay online.

Please eat dinner before you arrive. The pack will supply cereal and milk for breakfast.  We’re asking you to bring fruit, juice or donuts (sign up using the RSVP link).

I need a final count by November 1st.  Please follow this link to RSVP –

When: November 16th 5:45 pm – November 17th 9:00 am
Where: Colorado Adventure Point – 10455 6th Ave #150, Lakewood, CO 80215
What to bring:     
-Sleeping bag     
-Sleeping pad     
-Change of clothes
-The food item you’ve signed up for

Welcome back

Hello Pack 400 families,I hope you all had an awesome summer. We’re looking forward to having school start again as that means we’ll have more regular Scout meetings.

We’ve decided to hold pack meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm. Most of these meetings will be held at West Jeff Elementary. However, meetings with meals will be at Mountain High Christian Center.  

That means that our first pack meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 4th at 6:30 pm at Mountain High. It will be our annual sign-up night. You are all registered through the end of the calendar year. However, this is a great time for scouts to bring their friends who are interested in joining. Remember, any scout who has a friend sign up gets a “recruiter” patch for their uniform.

We’ll be serving dinner at the Sept meeting. The pack will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. We’re asking you to bring an item depending on which den you’re in. If you have children in more than one den please go with the younger den.

Tigers – dessert
Wolves – Fruit or green leafy salad
Bears – Fruit or green leafy salad
Webelos – Sides (macaroni salad, potato salad or whatever)
Arrows – chips

We REALLY need a volunteer to act as a den leader for either the Wolves or Bears den. Keith has agreed to continue as the leader for one of those dens but he can’t do both. PLEASE consider helping out. The den leader doesn’t have to lead each meeting. They may simply coordinate with parents to lead meetings. Please let me know if you might even consider helping us out with this.

We’re really happy to have Vikki (Marcus’s mom) leading the Tigers this year. Thanks, Vikki! So our den leaders are:
Lions (Kindergarten) – Janel Sullivan
Tigers (1st grade) – Vikki Scholten
Wolves (2nd grade) – Maybe you? (or Keith Sargent)
Bears (3rd grade) – Maybe you? (or Keith Sargent)
Webelos (4th grade) – Eli Boymel
Arrows (5th grade) – Patty Pinsonnault

Finally, please remember to sign up for the Camporee and let me know if you’ve signed up. We will not be holding our regular campout at McKeever this fall as we’ll be attending the Camporee instead. We may camp at McKeever in the spring.
If you’d like to go for just the day on Saturday sign up here –
If you’d like to spend Saturday night with us sign up here –

March News

We’ll be meeting at West Jeff Elementary again for our pack meeting on Wednesday.

As you know, we have a community service project scheduled for Saturday, April 13th. Each of the ranks includes a service project in one of the required achievements.  We will be working with the Indian Hills Fire Department and Jeffco Schools to simulate a school bus accident.  The kids will be pretending to have been injured during the accident.  School-aged siblings are encouraged to join us.  Parents are also encouraged to stick around to help but aren’t required to.  We’ll start at 9:00 and should be done by noon.

Please RSVP for the service project here –

We will be launching model rockets for our April pack meeting.  The rockets will be handed out at the pack meeting this week.  If you can’t attend this week’s meeting please make arrangements with me or your den leader to pick up a model rocket.  You may purchase rockets for siblings for $10.

Pinewood Derby!

Greetings Pack 400 families,
You should have received your pinewood derby kit by now. Please contact your den leader if you haven’t.

We’ll have a “test & tune” at Mountain High Church on Friday, January 25th starting at 6:00 pm. The test & tune will give you a chance to try out your car and make some last minute adjustments. We also encourage everyone to check their car in at that time. If you check your car in that evening, you’ll need to leave it there overnight.

Our derby will be at Mountain High Church on Saturday, January 26th. If you check in your car during the test & tune you don’t need to arrive on Saturday until 9:30. If you do not check in your car on Friday night, please be at the race on Saturday by 9:00 am so that you can have your car checked in at that time.

Here are the complete rules for the event. Here is a list of frequently asked questions. Most of you got copies of these at the December pack meeting. Please be sure to read through the rules. Any car that does not comply with the rules will not be eligible to race and nobody wants that.

If you wish you had access to tools that might make building your car a little easier, we’ll be happy to host a “Chop Night.” This will be an opportunity to use a band saw, a drill press, a jointer, a planer, benchtop electric sanders, etc. The BSA does not allow Cub Scouts to use power tools so you’ll need to be working with them. If you’re interested, email Bob to let him know.

We’ll be sending out a Signup Genius for snacks and things soon. Please keep an eye out for that.

November News

Hello again scouting families,
First, a reminder that our November, December, January and February pack meetings will all be at Mountain High Christian Center, not at the school.

We are very excited about next week’s pack meeting. We have a lot planned so please try to arrive a few minutes early. We’ll have some very special guests from HawkQuest joining us.

We’ll be collecting non-perishable food items for our annual “Scouting for Food” food drive at the pack meeting. This food will be distributed to area food banks. We’re asking each family to donate food and ask two friends or neighbors if they would also donate food for this very good cause.

It’s time for our pack to recharter with the BSA. That means it’s time to collect dues. Please bring a check next week. Dues are $110 for the first child in each family and $100 for additional children in the same family. Arrows will pay $80 since they’re only with us until Spring. For everyone else, paying dues now will mean you’re paid up until December 31st 2019. Of course if you sold more than $400 in popcorn you get a break on dues.

Money from popcorn sales is due at the pack meeting next week. If you’ve not yet picked up your popcorn please do ASAP. You can contact Josh – to arrange pickup.

I look forward to seeing you all next week.


Hi Scouting families,
I’ve received several questions about popcorn sales. Here are answers to those questions and some additional information.
Our leadership committee has secured a number of locations and times for the pack to sell popcorn at “show and sell” locations. Please take advantage of this opportunity and sign up here – Show and sell is generally the easiest way to sell popcorn quickly.
Either Josh Letvin or Keith Sargent will contact the first and last shift for each location to arrange picking up or dropping off popcorn for each show and sell.
Take home order forms will be collected at the October 10th pack meeting.  If you do not have a take home order form please contact your den leader or Josh Letvin –  Money does not need to be collected until after the popcorn is distributed. Popcorn will be distributed to you early in November for your take home orders. All money will be due by the November 14th pack meeting.
Please also consider setting up an online sales account at  When setting up that account you’ll need the following info:
Council: Denver Area
District: Timberline
Unit: Pack 400


Hi Pack 400 families,
As you know, our pack camp out is one week from today. Here’s some information you all should know.

  • Location – McKeever Arena – 12086 Old Ridge Rd, Conifer
  • Date – Sept 15th – 16th
  • Time – Webelos and AOLs please arrive at 10 am. All others please arrive at 1 pm. Siblings may come early with Webs/AOLs.
  • If you can’t spend the night, please come just for the day on Saturday. We will be completing several requirements for all ranks.
  • Each scout must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • Scouts may not be alone in a tent with an adult who is not their parent or guardian.
  • There are pit toilets and non-potable water on site.
  • We will not be cooking over the campfire. Please, no marshmallows
  • There is a Signup Genius where you can register to bring food here.

Things to bring:

  • A plate, bowl and cup for each person. We’ll supply silverware.
  • $5 per family to cover the cost of food and supplies
  • A tent, sleeping bag and all personal items (see attached list) If you would like to borrow any equipment, talk to me or your den leader.
  • Your own coffee – we’ll have hot water available.


  • Saturday lunch – Webelos and AOLs will be cooking lunch for their dens. All others please eat before your arrive.
  • Saturday dinner – Chili, hotdogs and sides
  • Sunday breakfast – Pancakes, sausage and sides

If you have any questions feel free to email me or your den leader. We will also be happy to answer questions at the pack meeting on Wednesday.

This is always a really fun weekend. I hope to see you all there.

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