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Pinewood Derby!

Greetings Pack 400 families,
You should have received your pinewood derby kit by now. Please contact your den leader if you haven’t.

We’ll have a “test & tune” at Mountain High Church on Friday, January 25th starting at 6:00 pm. The test & tune will give you a chance to try out your car and make some last minute adjustments. We also encourage everyone to check their car in at that time. If you check your car in that evening, you’ll need to leave it there overnight.

Our derby will be at Mountain High Church on Saturday, January 26th. If you check in your car during the test & tune you don’t need to arrive on Saturday until 9:30. If you do not check in your car on Friday night, please be at the race on Saturday by 9:00 am so that you can have your car checked in at that time.

Here are the complete rules for the event. Here is a list of frequently asked questions. Most of you got copies of these at the December pack meeting. Please be sure to read through the rules. Any car that does not comply with the rules will not be eligible to race and nobody wants that.

If you wish you had access to tools that might make building your car a little easier, we’ll be happy to host a “Chop Night.” This will be an opportunity to use a band saw, a drill press, a jointer, a planer, benchtop electric sanders, etc. The BSA does not allow Cub Scouts to use power tools so you’ll need to be working with them. If you’re interested, email Bob to let him know.

We’ll be sending out a Signup Genius for snacks and things soon. Please keep an eye out for that.

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