Hi Scouting families,
I’ve received several questions about popcorn sales. Here are answers to those questions and some additional information.
Our leadership committee has secured a number of locations and times for the pack to sell popcorn at “show and sell” locations. Please take advantage of this opportunity and sign up here – https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c44a9ae2fa2f49-popcorn Show and sell is generally the easiest way to sell popcorn quickly.
Either Josh Letvin or Keith Sargent will contact the first and last shift for each location to arrange picking up or dropping off popcorn for each show and sell.
Take home order forms will be collected at the October 10th pack meeting. If you do not have a take home order form please contact your den leader or Josh Letvin – shletvin@gmail.com. Money does not need to be collected until after the popcorn is distributed. Popcorn will be distributed to you early in November for your take home orders. All money will be due by the November 14th pack meeting.
Please also consider setting up an online sales account at http://www.trails-end.com/ When setting up that account you’ll need the following info:
Council: Denver Area
District: Timberline
Unit: Pack 400